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March Bucharest WordPress Meetup - 2019

March Bucharest WordPress Meetup - 2019

Hello friends!

Spring is finally here and we are excited to meet again for our dearly WordPress Meetup!

A special guest will join us this month, Niclas Alvebratt, coming all the way from Sweden to share his knowledge about "WooCommerce and WordPress performance from a hosting perspective", how a web server works and different easy-to-implement fixes to gain speed of your WooCommerce setup.

Niclas is the CEO of the open source heavy, web and WordPress hosting company beebyte [https://www.beebyte.se/]

Here’s the agenda for the 28th of March:

18:45 Arriving time

19:00 Welcome and WordPress news

19:10 "WooCommerce and WordPress performance from a hosting perspective" with Niclas Alvebratt, CEO beebyte

20:00 Pizza and networking

20:45 End of meeting >>> we’re going out for a drink next to the venue

When: Thursday, 28 March 2019

Where: Impact Hub, Splaiul Unirii 165, Cladirea 2, Et. 1; entrance through Str. Nerva Traian -> Str. Ion Minulescu

See you soon!


Impact Hub Bucharest

Splaiul Unirii 165, Timpuri Noi Square, Building 2, 1st floor, 030133 București


2019-03-28 - 2019-03-28