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How To Be The Best Partner For Your Coaching Clients

How To Be The Best Partner For Your Coaching Clients

Core Competencies

Establishing the Coaching Agreement

Coaching Presence

Active Listening

Learning Objectives

Experience a masterful coaching presence posture. Respond observant and empathetic to the client’s Who. Partner with their clients instead of directing/leading them.

Session Format

Subject Matter Expert Presentation – Workshop

Session Abstract

Registration available here https://www.coachfederation.ro/events/how-to-be-the-best-partner-for-your-coaching-clients/#mec-events-meta-group-booking-1781

Mastery is about doing the basic things very well. The process of embodying skill in coaching is about practicing and being open to learning the basics.

Since we work with fundamentals, we might overlook them and seek to do sophisticated things. But as in working with the who of the client instead of the what we might need to return to how we are present in the relationship with our clients. And then doing comes as a natural consequence.

If you are preparing for your ACC, PCC, MCC certification or if you are already an MCC or just interested in mastery in coaching this is for you.

This workshop has the potential to shift your being in the relationship with yourself and your clients. To liberate you to do anything for the client. This new partnering posture creates more autonomy, resilience, and freedom to both the client and the coach.

Upon completion participants will be able to:

Experience a masterful coaching presence posture

Respond observant and empathetic to the client’s Who

Partner with their clients instead of directing/leading them.

Session Description

From a dynamics perspective, we can see Coaching as a game between the coach and the client. If the client and the coach affect each other, the results of the coaching process depend on the dynamics between the client and the coach.

If we are as coaches to influence these dynamics consciously, we can do this through our presence. We are not alone in this game. If we do not use Partnering, this will bring too much of us in the coaching relationship. Moreover, it would turn the attention of the process from the client to us.

But this would mean us being leading and directive even in subtle ways.

This event is about getting aware of specific competencies with their associated PCC markers. It’s an invitation to shift our posture and come into coaching with mastery.

What are the consequences of the new posture?

According to my experience as a coach and assessor at ICF when we give space for the clients to lead the process, the clients will experience more autonomy and resilience in their lives.

Now you might wonder what specific abilities would allow us as coaches to get all the above?

The event aims to invite coaches to:

Experience a masterful coaching presence posture

Respond observant and empathetic to the client’s Who

Partner with their clients instead of directing/leading them.

The facilitator will walk us through critical distinctions. We will go through the concepts below:

The Value Paradox

A Coaching Mastery Journey Metaphor

Dance Polarities

Directive VS Partnering

What – Problem Solving VS Who

Unconscious Roles VS the Coaching Role

Unconscious Projections and Needs VS Client Driven Awareness

Formulaic, Structure-Based, Marker Driven VS Here and Now

Levels of Coaching Mastery Distinctions

Besides learning intellectually the distinctions in the list above, participants will exercise Role Playing and have a direct experience of them.

This experience aims to drive us later in our coaching relationships with our clients.

What can you apply to your work?

After attending this event, participants will understand the Partnering principles. That allows them to respond to what the client brings without leading or directing them in a way meaningful for the Who and in the relationship of the What brought by the client.

What’s the impact of this work?

Partnering is central to coaching presence. The more we practice it, the more our clients become more self-reliant, autonomous and resilient. If we lay a foundation of partnering, we could create a context where our clients drive the coaching, and this is paradoxically impactful, significant and relevant for them.

How we will go through the workshop?

We will start with the questions and intentions of a few representative participants and collect them. That would provide interactivity. Moreover, by answering to the issues in a structured way would be relevant to the participants. The structure of the event is emergent and would model Partnering along the way.

To facilitate learning participants will be invited to role play them with their colleagues.

Additional integration would be created by inviting a few participants to mention one single thing that touched the way they show up with their clients and what feels like action for them to embody this new posture.

Additional Details and Questions Answered

What research is behind this work?

I got this information as experience after being an assessor for ICF. I just observed common trends of how coaches respond to their clients and contrasted it with the ICF requirements and my experience through an MCC program.

Why do you do this presentation?

This presentation has the potential to change the posture of the coaches in the relationship with their clients. It would take the coaching deeper to a level of the Who of the client. It creates more autonomy and resilience for their clients. It would fulfill my need to contribute and potentially get me some mentoring clients.

What is a unique, impactful takeaway?

It enables the clients to be in charge with their coaching and lives while releasing the coaches of their unconscious biases and drives.

Registration available here https://www.coachfederation.ro/events/how-to-be-the-best-partner-for-your-coaching-clients/#mec-events-meta-group-booking-1781


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2019-03-27 - 2019-03-27